Personal Finance, Money Mindset Katelyn Stanton Personal Finance, Money Mindset Katelyn Stanton

Blog: Creating Financial Balance and Partnership in Marriage

Katelyn shares her experience navigating money in marriage, highlighting how open conversations and teamwork create a supportive financial partnership. After learning from past relationships, she and David, her husband, found balance by dividing responsibilities based on strengths rather than splitting everything 50/50.

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

Smart Year-End Tax Strategies: Balancing Spending and Tax Savings

As we approach the end of the year, many of our clients start to ponder a critical question: "Do I need to spend more to save on taxes?" It's an important consideration, and the answer varies based on individual circumstances. Let's explore the intricacies of strategic spending and charitable contributions for optimizing your tax position.

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

Small Business Saturday: Maia Chloe Lopes-Gilbert

It’s Small Business Saturday, y’all, which means one thing - you get to meet one of our incredible clients! You’ve seen her TFCFO graphics grace your feeds every week (so talent). But she’s more than just the magic behind the ‘gram. What a better person to introduce for our inaugural Small Business Saturday Featurette than the one, the only -

Maia Chloe Lopes-Gilbert!

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

Small Business Saturday: Kelci Douglas

It’s Small Business Saturday, y’all, which means one thing - you get to meet one of our incredible clients! You’ve seen her TFCFO graphics grace your feeds every week (so talent). But she’s more than just the magic behind the ‘gram. What a better person to introduce for our inaugural Small Business Saturday Featurette than the one, the only -

Kelci Douglas!

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

What Should You Know About the Inflation Reduction Act

How is it going to affect you and your business? What is this about those 87,000 IRS agents? Is it really going to reduce inflation? As if our last post about student loan forgiveness wasn’t enough to take in, we’ve got another information-loaded blog headed your way, all about the Inflation Reduction Act.

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

Student Loans 2022, aka: W-T-F?!

You’ve asked, and we’re finally getting around to getting you (some) of the answers. Here’s everything we know so far about the Biden Administration’s student loan forgiveness plan.

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

Will Wealth Make me a Greedy, Entitled Pr*ck

It’s no stretch to say that many of us have a… complicated relationship when it comes to money. Money provides security, freedom and opportunity, but it's also the source of so much of the world’s problems: greed, conflict, betrayal and abuse of power (to name a few). Wealth, after all, is kind of a reflection of self… the good and the bad.

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

Paying Yourself (and Making it Count)

We get asked a lot of questions at The Freelance CFO. From how to get the best results from your tax returns, to which business entity would be best for your specific situation, to even whether or not you should actually get into Game of Thrones after all these years (we have opinions okay?).

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

Sustainable Investing: Making a Difference with Your Dollar

When you think of the stock market, a few things probably come to mind. The ultra-wealthy, for one, not discounting the overwhelming history of insider trading, corruption and gatekeeping that’s contributed to decades of wealth disparity (though, that’s a conversation for another day). Frankly, the stock market - and investing in general - isn’t something that gives us the “warm and fuzzies.” But investments can do more than line the pockets of millionaires - they can make a difference.

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

Finance, Fitness and Fighting Toxicity

Unforgiving and toxic talk has permeated the fitness industry for decades. The idea that you can’t give yourself wiggle room on your fitness and dieting goals; the all-or-nothing mentality; the constant barrage of fitfluencers and internet experts telling you that their way is the only way. We all know that kind of talk is toxic af. And, unfortunately, it’s not the only industry where it exists.

Yup. We’re talking about your bag.

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

The Anti-Budget, aka: the Budget for People Who Hate Budgets

No matter the level of financial education you’ve received thus far - whether that’s from elementary school, your parents, the internet or a degree in finance - there’s probably a topic that constantly pops up, and yet remains one few truly know how to handle with grace, understanding and flexibility.


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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

Get In There With Your Quarterlies

That dreaded deadline that strikes fear into the hearts of individuals and businesses across the country. That looming financial spector, hovering over the first days of spring much like a dementor hovers over Azkaban. The prophesied day of nationwide malcontent that drains not only our collective bank accounts but our will to live.

But, it only happens once a year, right?

… right?!

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

I Have Extra Moolah… Now What?

You’ve been making money moves, okay? The baseline has been established and met, you’ve paid all of your bills and now you have extra cash, ready to be spent. Real hot girl shit. So. Why are you still afraid to buy that latte?

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Katelyn Stanton Katelyn Stanton

Laying Foundations - the Business Entity Rundown

If there’s anything that we know how to preach about here at The Freelance CFO, it’s preaching empowerment and intentionality in your financial decisions. We firmly believe that every single one of you is capable of becoming the architect of your own financial future. And there’s no better example of this than when the moment comes for you to lay your small business’s foundations and make it legit. But… it can be a bit, ya know. Overwhelming.

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