Finance, Fitness and Fighting Toxicity
“Don’t stop when you’re tired, stop when you’re done. Pain is just weakness leaving the body.
No. Excuses.”
That kind of talk has permeated the fitness industry for decades. The idea that you can’t give yourself wiggle room on your fitness and dieting goals; the all-or-nothing mentality; the constant barrage of fitfluencers and internet experts telling you that their way is the only way. We all know that kind of talk is toxic af. And, unfortunately, it’s not the only industry where it exists.
Yup. We’re talking about your bag. Let’s examine the correlation, shall we?
Diet culture is incredibly pervasive across the United States, with nearly 1 in 5 Americans over the age of 20 currently on one. But despite the large number of individuals who have tried - or are currently trying - to lose weight using the most recent celebrity-sponsored diet, 80% of these individuals fail at successfully keeping off that weight in the long-term.
Now, let’s talk budgeting (you see where this is going, right?). While most Americans have found a budget for themselves out there - whether that’s from a finance expert, or just something they’ve come up with themselves - more than 65% of Americans have no idea how much money they spent the month prior.
See the pattern here?
But while there’s a lot of really shitty things about diet culture and money culture, there are a few “diet” tips out there that aren’t half bad (surprise, surprise, ya know?). So, in the spirit of combatting that aforementioned toxicity, we’ve found some of the diamonds in the rough, and given them some spiffy financial equivalents!
Finance + Fitness Tips (for the Ages)
1. Stay Hydrated… or Stay Hydrated
First thing’s first - if you’re not taking care of your physical, mental and spiritual well being, everything else will have a hard time following. So, drink water and get some sleep. Check in with yourself regularly and ask, “Am I doing okay? Or am I just surviving?” The buck starts - and ends - with you, friends. Your wellness is always the priority.
2. Find a Workout Buddy… or, Find a Money Buddy
Sometimes figuring out your finance sh*t can be really tough when you’re doing it alone. If someone else in your life is working on their personal financial situation - share tips. Motivate one another! Exchange resources and information, or tell them about your friendly neighborhood finance experts. A finance friend is a friend for life. <3
3. Curb Your Sweet Tooth… or, Curb Your Impulse Purchases
Chasing dopamine is real, y’all. Sometimes, you just gotta get the thing that you want to get, when you want to get it, but other times? It’s best to leave that potential purchase in your shopping cart for a day or two and reflect on whether or not it’s something you’d actually use.
4. Keep Your Portions in Check… or, Keep Your Purchases in Check
Keeping in line with #3, sometimes buying too much of something isn’t the way to go. We love a bulk moment for essentials, but if you’re buying that ultra large bottle of daily multivitamins that’s supposed to last for a year? Check the expiration date. Mind the clutter, fam.
5. Plan Your Workouts Ahead of Time… or, Plan Your Expenditures Ahead of Time
In line with the much beloved Anti-Budget (we wrote a whole blog about it, and did a whole podcast episode about it, too), if you’re aware of how much something is going to cost you over a period of time (i.e. mortgages, cell phone payments, loan repayments), plan ahead!
6. Don’t Beat Yourself Up Over a Cheat Day… or, Don’t Beat Yourself Up Over a Treat-Yourself-Moment
Listen, and listen well - treating yourself is encouraged here. Life is too f*cking short to be worrying about the little things, ya know? If you’re ready to schedule that spa day or book that impromptu flight, but you’re only having second thoughts because of existential fears about money? Ask yourself: “Is it because I’m actually short on cash, or is that my scarcity mindset talking?”
7. Know When to Take it Up a Notch… or, Know When to Adjust Your Goals
Finances, a lot of the time, don’t follow a path of linear growth. You’re going to have peaks, valleys, setbacks and breakthroughs. Consistency is key, of that there is no doubt, but you know what they say: doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity. Don’t be afraid to adjust your strategy.
8. Fuel for Fitness… or, Fuel for Finance
Part of what makes financial wellness so difficult? Gatekeeping. But, there’s an entire world of information and knowledge out there from individuals, and companies like ours. Start finding “fuel” by finding financial experts that you can understand and trust, reading up on financial news and watching documentaries. Fuel your brain with the knowledge you need to succeed.
9. Work Out in the Morning… or, Get Your Routine on Lock
Another Anti-Budget goody - creating a routine. Automating expenditures is part of the larger picture when it comes to stepping into your personal finance rhythm. But if you want to start smaller, try checking your bank account in the morning, or automating transfers from your checking to your savings. Creating a routine can take some mystery out of the money game.
10. Say Goodbye to Peer Pressure… or Say Goodbye to the Shame Game
We can say it again and again and again… and again, but since shame isn’t an easy b*tch to get rid of, we might as well just reiterate it. Do not be ashamed of where you are at. You are where you are - and that’s just fine! What matters is 1) where you are going, 2) how you get there, and 3) making sure it’s somewhere you want to go. Enough with the comparison game.
Ultimately, finance and fitness both share two very important characteristics: they are 1) behavioral, and 2) personal. Creating healthy and sustainable habits for our bodies and our finances are just as important as acknowledging the personal nature of both. Finding a “diet” that works for you is the best way to make sure that whatever fitness goals you have for yourself will last. And it’s less about “dieting” than finding healthy and sustainable habits, right?
It’s the same with your bag.
All of those toxic voices out there telling you “their way” is the “best and only way,” and that “pain is just weakness leaving the body” don’t know you. There is no one who knows you, better than you. So, finding financial patterns and routines that suit your lifestyle in the moment, while simultaneously supporting and maintaining your future financial goals? I should be a reflection of you. It should be something that you can maintain for the long run. It should be about your goals, your priorities and your dreams.
Don’t let anyone - and we mean anyone - tell you what’s best for you, unless it resonates. If it doesn’t?
Leave that toxicity on the curb where it belongs. 😎
You can learn more about the Anti-Budget from the Confident Money Podcast, hosted by our very own Katelyn Magnuson. The entire second season is dedicated to all things personal finance, with S02E16, “Mastering the Anti-Budget” diving even deeper into what makes this financial strategy one of the best weapons in your “Making-Money-My-B*tch” arsenal. Slam that subscribe button, Your Majesties!
Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Reach out to The Freelance CFO team with any questions regarding specific financial concerns, or seek the services of a fiduciary.