S-Corp Elections and Payroll Setup (already an LLC) - 4 Monthly Payment

$247.50 every month for 4 months

Achieve your version of success, on your terms.

If you’re making $50,000 or more per year in profit, this is the package for you! You’ll have a professional set up your payroll accounts and explain your potential tax savings.


  • S-Corp Election

  • State payroll tax account setup

  • Creation of Gusto payroll account (does not include monthly Gusto fee approx $45/month)

  • Salary research (to confirm it’s reasonable per the IRS)

  • 15 Minute Walkthrough and Training

  • Verification that all tax accounts are setup correctly

  • Completion of the first payroll/automation for future payroll

Still not sure if this is right for you? Send me your questions at money@thefreelancecfo.biz

S-Corp Elections and Payroll Setup (already an LLC)
Payroll Setup and Processing Automation
Payroll Setup and Processing Automation - 4 Monthly Payments
$202.50 every month for 4 months