S-Corp Quarterly Maintenance Plan


So, you’ve got your bookkeeping game on lock. You’re categorizing your receipts, keeping track of expenses, all the good stuff… but you’re not sure about the other things that keep your business running. With this service, The Freelance CFO team helps you make the most of your S-Corp designation while also ensuring you’re paying yourself what you deserve!

 Achieve your version of success, on your terms.



  • Quarterly Salary Analysis

    • Requires bookkeeping to be up to date on a quarterly basis (at a minimum)

  • Accountable Plan Calculations

    • Records reimbursable home office use, cell phone and other expenses to decrease tax liability

  • Quarterly Estimated Taxes

  • Email Support (perfect for those miscellaneous tax notices or random mail)

*Tax filings can be included at additional fees; see our Tax Preparation Services for more.


*continuous commitment


Get Your Questions Answered

For any general inquiries (and if you just want to talk smack about Dave Ramsey) email us at hello@thefreelancecfo.biz, or with the form below.