Building the Life (and Business) You Love!
We all have that… Something.
That Something that gets us out of bed. That Something that encourages us to see beyond the struggles of today, towards the success of tomorrow. That Something which lights us up from the inside, and lets our passions effortlessly shine into the world. That’s not to say you need an all-encompassing Something to have some kind of purpose - oftentimes, it’s a bunch of little Somethings, uniting together. For me, it’s travel. It’s amazing food. It’s deep conversations about life with amazing friends. And, most of all, it’s helping my clients achieve a level of financial freedom that lets them travel the path that brings them security, contentment and joy.
And, also, more travel.
Being able to globetrot at a moment’s notice was a large part of my motivation in starting The Freelance CFO. My husband and I eloped in Iceland in 2016. Since then, one or both of us have traveled across our beautiful planet - from Portugal to Colombia, and all across Oregon and California to land in Idaho. But “settling down” hasn’t sated our wanderlust in the slightest. At any given moment, I’m probably planning our next adventure.
Now, I don’t say all of this to brag. Seriously, if you had told me 10 years ago this was the life I’d be living today, I’d probably laugh you out of my shitty apartment. And yet, here I am. Was I lucky? Maybe. A trust-fund baby? Aaaaabsolutely not. Hard-working. Yeah, sure, I guess. Privileged white, cis, het passing woman in America? Uuum, yeah. But, really, making the change that I wanted in my life came down to something quite simple:
“I found my Something. And I wasn’t going to settle for anything less.”
I designed a business that not only I love, but one that I can do from anywhere, in any time zone with just a laptop and my cell phone.
“Bookkeeping in Barcelona?” Easy peasy.
“One-on-one mentoring in Melbourne?” No problem.
“What about handling retirement budgeting during a surprise trip to Reykjavik? Business deductions in Dubai? Tax preparation Tel Aviv?” I mean, if you insist. Even now, I’m constantly amazed at the freedom that creating my own business has afforded me.
And not only that - The Freelance CFO has grown so much in the last couple of years that we’ve been able to bring on an entire team of incredible (and remote) humans who are able to work flexibly and pursue their own unique Somethings! This lifestyle - and the choices I’ve made in order to follow my own passions - have created opportunities for others who wanted something different for themselves.
And I say all this to emphasize something vital: if I can do it, so can you. It is absolutely possible for you to manifest your Something into a reality, and live out your own dream life. You can travel the US in an RV with your spouse and children. You can become a digital nomad. You can start a charity, comfortably retire with your spouse, send your children to their dream university, adopt all of the special needs dogs… whatever it is that lights up your soul? It can be yours.
We all have inherent potential. We have unique voices, perspectives and experiences that we take with us into the big, bad world. And yes, Imma say it again - we all have that Something. But so often, that potential is suppressed, dimmed and then extinguished in the face of just trying to survive. But, I’m here to tell you that your dreams and passions aren’t optional.
“It is your duty to live your singular, wonderful and uncommon life to the fullest. ”
No one can do it for you. You have to decide exactly what you want, and then make the conscious decision to take the road less traveled. Anything less is doing yourself - and the world - an enormous disservice.
So, how to get there? That depends on you. But, as your finance besties, we can assure you that a large part of building this life - and business - involves managing your finances effectively. “But money doesn’t equal happiness!” And, you’re absolutely right. It doesn’t. But money does equal freedom. Freedom of choice, freedom to not have to settle, freedom to bring your kid to the fair on the weekends, to buy that ranch or penthouse you have your heart set on. Freedom to not have to work yourself to the bone to provide for yourself and family.
“That’s the trick with money - it’s not evil or bad. Nor is it all good and benevolent. At the end of the day, money is simply an exchange of energy.
So where do you want your energy directed? ”
What’s the life you want? What’s your Something? Where do you want to be in 10 years?
And if you’re like me and can’t wait to sink into some Icelandic hot springs - how do you even get there?
Here’s a little push in the right direction. I can help you save thousands in taxes and expenses (I shit you not - thousands). So, our first steps on our journey are to click here to join the conversation in our Facebook group, to subscribe to our Confident Money Podcast and become the newest member of our community of intrepid and visionary finance badasses that are turning their Somethings into realities.
I can't wait to see you there. ❤️
Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial or tax advice. Reach out to The Freelance CFO team with any questions regarding specific financial concerns, or seek the services of a fiduciary.